If you are one of those who prefer free profit according to the level of effort and time invested, or who prefer to work in specific and precise specialties, or who like to perform specific tasks and profit through them immediately, or even you are a talented person in something and want to make a profit from that, then this is The guide to profit from Fiverr Written especially for you and for you.

Let's start with the steps to profit from Fiverr :

First step: Understand Fiverr


According to my experience in the field of business and work through the Internet, and according to my experience in life in general, I believe that the key and the basic element to success in anything is to understand it deeply. In fact in the internet world, all steps are open to you from the beginning, and then you can jump to any step by pressing the mouse clicks ( in our case, you can jump directly to create a Fiverr account and make Gig And waiting for results ).

In fact, many young people fall into this trap, which is jumping on the steps randomly and without studying, and the end is known, which is the lack of results and then abandoning the idea completely.

But if you really want to profit from a site Fiverr According to thoughtful practical steps and in a logical sequence, you must first understand this platform from which you want to make a profit, and so that our words are not just theoretical words, here are the points of what you must do to understand Fiverr well.

1- Read about the Fiverr platform and how it works with focus and an open mind.

2- Browse Fiverr deeply:

here. I will not set specific rules for you in browsing Fiverr, but you just have to go to the link below, and then start playing :

Yes, you read it correctly to start playing. Use the search bar at the top and search by one of the words, browse the sections and subsections, visit some seller accounts and try to understand the data, browse some buyers ’accounts as well and try to compare.

Scroll down to the end of the page (Footer), You will find a set of links to important pages on the site, for example, read some of the pages that fall under the column “About“.

Go to the blog and try to read some articles. You can also browse the Fiverr forum and read some posts.

Don't be too quick and give this point enough time, and if you get bored, come back again tomorrow and play again. Believe me, this game will save you a lot on your journey to profit from Fiverr. By the way, this is the method that I personally use to understand and become familiar with any website.

3- Know the terms of using Fiverr:

Almost every day, we receive messages from our website followers, and one of the most common problems that are sent to us is the closure of accounts (the ban ). This does not apply to Fiverr only, but it applies to all other for-profit and marketing sites. The main reason behind closing accounts is to break the rules, and the first step in breaking the rules is not knowing them in the first place.

Returning to Fiverr, the terms of use page will not only give you an idea of ​​the points that you must avoid in order not to ban your account, but also give you an idea and information on many aspects of the Fiverr system, and the details of the deal between sellers and buyers.

If you implement the three points above, I promise you that you will have a strong and deep idea of ​​the platform you are seeking to profit from, and this literally will help you very much in the future.

Second Step: Choose the field you would like to specialize in

 services on Fiverr
services on Fiverr

This point varies according to your own circumstances. Perhaps you are already a professional in a field such as writing articles, for example, then this step is for you.

In any case here, and as we do with the winners, I will address this point assuming you are completely on the beach, and you still do not know what will be offered on Fiverr, so let's address the most important points through which you can select a service to sell on Fiverr :

1- Ask yourself what is the field that you like the most and know about?

Do you like writing? Do you have some skill in designing images? Do you have a distinct, confident voice? Interested in the world of e-marketing? Do you have some basic knowledge of how to work with a video editing program?  

Ask the question, “ What do you think I'm special about? “ For your friends, family, and relatives. You do not have to fully possess a skill or an advantage, but you just have to come up with the seed that you can develop with some effort and study. Don't worry, we'll cover that shortly.  

2- Browse services on Fiverr.

One of the great features of Fiverr is that it is in itself a great educational and training tool, for example, you want to get ideas for services to provide and profit from them on Fiverr, it is okay to browse Fiverr and learn about the services provided by others.

Although all the services on Fiverr fall into subcategories, which in turn fall into only 9 basic categories, there are thousands of services in each subcategory. In these services, you will find ideas you never thought of, which you may also provide.

3- Choose one of the fields that have a high demand.

Areas such as writing and translation, and designing pictures and videos are among the fields that have great demand, which you can learn with some effort and educational courses. But remember that you must have the appropriate ground to start in these areas, for example, you must master English to start providing translation service to and from.

Note: You can choose more than one field to provide services in if you have the skills and experience necessary for that, or you have the time and intention to learn these skills and gain this experience.

Fiverr allows new accounts to create up to 7 services (Gigs).

Third Step: Learn and master the field in which you intend to specialize

As I mentioned before, here I address the steps sequentially and assuming that you do not have anything, so in the previous step we dealt with some mechanisms and ideas to define the area or areas in which you intend to provide services, and in this step, we will address a set of ideas, resources, and tools that enable you to learn and master These areas.

The wonderful thing about the world of work through the Internet is that you will find everything you need on the Internet as well. Hundreds of websites offer courses in all fields, and there are thousands of courses in all disciplines.

Below is a collection of the most important resources from which you can learn anything you want :

1- Platform Udemy

udemy logo
udemy logo

The Udemy platform is one of the most important and popular platforms for providing online courses in all fields. On the Yodimi platform, you can find courses for anything you want to learn. The world is in your hands Choose the skill you want to master and start learning it.

2- Platform Learn From Fiverr

From my point of view, this is a brilliant solution for learning specifically for work and profit from Fiverr, as this platform is affiliated with Fiverr, and with it, you will find many wonderful courses in many fields.

The great thing is that the courses are on the platform Learn From Fiverr It was created specifically for sellers on Fiverr, so you will find in it a lot of information and ideas that will help you succeed and make profits on Fiverr. Another great thing is that every course you study on the Fiverr learning platform will appear in your account, thus giving it more reliability.

It is worth noting that there is a free course on this platform, this course is for sellers and talks about how you can become a successful seller on Fiverr. I have studied this course myself and found that it is more than amazing, it is a real treasure for every new seller on the Fiverr platform. Through it, you will learn many wonderful things that will help you succeed and profit from Fiverr and this course link :

Online Freelancing Essentials: Be A Successful Fiverr Seller

I highly recommend studying this course, and I trust you will thank me very much for it!

Fourth step: Create a professional account on Fiverr


To create a professional Fiverr account, pay attention to these points :

1- Put a professional picture for your account:

If we look at the account picture objectively, it does not mean anything, and the most important thing is the qualifications and quality of service, but this does not deny that we are human beings, and emotion strongly influences our decisions. So realistically, the image means a lot.

You should put a high-quality image with your face clearly visible, also it is important to choose a professional image of informal clothes that expresses you as a serious and professional lancer.

2- Story in one line

When entering your account, you will find under the username at the top to the left this sentence “What's your story in one line by clicking on the pen mark next to it, you will be able to write a very brief synopsis of you.

You can write a 3 or 4-word definition for yourself, showing your practical skills or professional title. ( Visit the top sellers in your niche to get an idea of ​​what to write in this section .)

3- Write a description that expresses you and your skills (Description)

Description of the important points that are checked buyers to get an idea about you as a seller. You should write a professional description that shows your skills and capabilities in the field in which you specialize. ( You can also take advantage of professional accounts in your field to get an idea of ​​what to write in the description .)

4- Education:

I would recommend filling out the scientific class data only if this raises the value of your account.

5- Certificates:-

Include every course or training course you participated in, this part is very important. I always recommend continuing to study in your field of specialization and updating this part every time you pass a new course or training course.

Fifth step: create Gig On Fiverr

To create Gig Successful on Fiverr Pay attention to these points :

1- Title Gig

Here are some points to keep in mind on this point :

Do not put a long title, as long addresses do not appear in full on the main page of the Fiverr site, so try to put an attractive but short title as well, and most importantly of all, it expresses what you will actually provide. 

Put on a title that shows your uniqueness in doing things your own unique way.

Try to look closely at the addresses Gigs Of your competitors, and then create an attractive title in your own way based on your reading of the successful geographic addresses.

2- Description of the Gig

Make a comprehensive and clear description of what you will provide in detail and what you will not provide. And try to show the extent of your superiority over others by explaining the distinguished work that you will provide.

Also, do not forget to use the Frequently Asked Questions feature, through which you can anticipate a set of questions that buyers may ask, and develop detailed answers to these questions.

3- The price of Gig

The services pricing system in Fiverr has become more complex and advanced than before, and in fact, I see that this is in the interest of both the seller and the buyer.

In the pricing system prevailing now, you are no longer as a seller restricted at $ 5, but rather you have the freedom to price your service in whatever amount you think is appropriate. Also, you can make 3 different packages of the service that you provide, which are supposed to differ in its features and quality and also differ in its price.

There is also an extra feature that is still working in the current pricing system, through which you can add features to the service for an additional fee ( such as reducing the service delivery time ).

In fact, according to all this, pricing needs some thought and study. Here I will not recommend a specific approach for you, but my advice to you will focus on two very important points :

Study competitors

Fiverr represents a market for supply and demand, and you have to be smart to make your service attractive according to what is prevalent in this market.

Be generous in the beginning.

This point completes the one before it. After studying competitors, you must bear in mind that you are a new seller, and your service price must be lower than the rest of the competitors to attract customers.

4- Time of service delivery

The time element is very important in shaping the satisfaction of buyers, so you should think seriously and realistically about the time that you set for yourself to complete the service, my advice to you here is to pay attention to the following :

Give yourself sufficient time before deciding on the completion of the service period, make sure that this is right for you. Failure to deliver on time is much worse than making the delivery period longer from the start.

Work to get the job done before it is due. One of the great impressions that you can give to the buyer is to get the job done before the deadline shown in the gig, But never do it at the expense of quality.

5- The exhibition service

exhibition simply represents a visual representation of the service that you will provide. In the gallery, you can add photos or filesPDFAnd videos too.

I strongly recommend that you pay a lot of attention to the exhibition, and I recommend using the videos because of their attractiveness and the ability to express the service perfectly.

The great thing about Fiverr is that you can hire a fellow salesperson to complete tasks for you as a seller, for example, if you do not have the skills to make a video of Gig Your own, you can hire one of them.

Tips, ideas, and important points about profit from Fiverr

This is the last part of today's article, and in it, I will try to cover more points and ideas about profit from Fiverr, and in the end, I will put together a variety of tips that will help you get the most out of Fiverr.

How to receive money through Fiverr:-

Fiverr provides 3 ways for sellers to receive their money that has been collected, which has been entered into their accounts with certainty ( there are purchase orders that are canceled ). These are the three ways in which you can receive your money on Fiverr :

1- AccountPayPal

2- AccountPayoneer

3- Local bank account

You can now receive your money on Fiverr through your bank account with ease, just go to a bank and open an account, and then put the account data to use it to withdraw your money.

Marketing is an essential component of your success in profit from Fiverr

Marketing yourself as a professional in a field will open up very great horizons and opportunities for you. Although your professional presence on Fiverr may be enough to get you buying orders, marketing yourself smartly outside Fiverr will bring you more and more orders.

Here are some points that may help you in marketing yourself outside of Fiverr :

1- Market yourself on LinkedIn. Create a professional account for you on the LinkedIn website and publish in your field of specialization, share the contact department with samples of your business, and note that you have a service on Fiverr, and whoever needs it can request it from there. 

2- Create a personal blog

Owning a personal blog will bring you many advantages and bring you more purchase orders. In this blog, you can write articles about your field of specialization, and you can display models for your business with links to your services on Fiverr freely.

3- Create a YouTube channel. The

video is a great promotional tool, and if you can use it intelligently, it will make you make huge profits from Fiverr.

Tips to profit from Fiverr

  • Be honest: Honesty here means that your words are in line with your actions. Your sayings include everything you write about yourself on Fiverr. Never make a promise that you are not able to keep. Exaggeration in talking about your capabilities and capabilities, which do not appear in the services you provide, will make the buyer feel frustrated, and this will push him to evaluate you negatively.
  • Do not stop at the point of termination of the service and get the money, but follow up with the buyer, make sure that the service won him, and ask him to evaluate the service (a lot of buyers forget the evaluation, so remind them kindly and intelligently ).
  • Treat Fiverr courteously and appropriately for you like a professional
  • Avoid using extraneous words, and dealing with unprofessional. Always try to be helpful, understanding, and patient in your dealings with buyers.
  • Always offer to every buyer of your service to be free to request any changes he deems appropriate, and that you will do so freely. This will make the buyer deal with you more comfortably and reassuringly, as his work will be done in the way he wants and without any additional costs.
  • Be quick to respond to the messages that you receive, and answer all questions that are asked to you regarding the above.
  • Here you must constantly monitor your account and e-mail, and you also have to download an application Fiverr And activate notifications.
  • Participate in the forums that talk about everything related to the nature of your service, and try to participate in the largest number of topics, and make your signature is the link that you provide on the Fiverr site. 
  • Avoid getting any negative opinion from a buyer.
  • If one of the buyers does not like the above, and after your offer, he must make the changes he wants, insist that he does not like the above. Then make a cancellation of the purchase order and return his payment so that he does not put a negative opinion.
  • Avoid copying data from competitors
  • I have referred in more than one place to study competitors as a means of learning and study, and as a way to identify examples of what you should write in your account information and your GJ data.
  • But I never meant that by recommending that you copy anything from others and put it in your account. You must fill in your account information in a unique way that reflects you personally.

With this, I completed today's topic on Earning from Fiverr, which I hope will be helpful to every ambitious person who wants to use their skills to make money online.

If you find that the topic is important and useful, do not let it stop at you, but send it to one of your friends or relatives. Maybe with this simple act, you can contribute to improving someone’s life and opening their eyes to new opportunities.