Email analytics is a way to track how subscribers interact with your email marketing campaigns. You can collect and analyze data for each email marketing campaign with the help of bulk email providers and Google Analytics.

Why should you analyze your email campaigns?

Email analytics metrics
Email analytics metrics

Without analyzing emails, you can't put together your email marketing efforts, with a blurry and inaccurate picture of how well things are working for you.

Email analytics provides a vast amount of data as the basis for improvements: the level of user engagement and loyalty, common behavior patterns, and the strengths and weaknesses of your content. With this knowledge in hand, you can take advantage of complex behavioral segmentation and provide your subscribers with a more personalized experience.

As a result, email analytics will help your business thrive because users will be more engaged with your brand and thus more likely to purchase your products or services.

Email analytics metrics

  • Email delivery
  • Open rate
  • Click rate
  • Bounce rate
  • Subscription cancellation rate
  • Conversion rate

Parameters you need to analyze for email marketing: email deliverability, open rate, click-through rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, conversion rate.

Email delivery: The number of email messages delivered to recipient inboxes out of the total number of sent messages. This data depends on the authority of the email service domain and the reputation of the sender.

Open rate. The number of open emails shows the number of delivered messages. Create interesting subject lines related to email content to encourage more openings.

Click rate. It indicates the number of people who clicked on links in your email. Create content relevant to the interests of your subscribers. Combine educational and promotional materials to encourage a visit to your website.

Bounce rate. This metric indicates the number of email messages that were not delivered. There are two types of recoil: hard and soft. Heavy bounce means that the recipient's email address or domain name is invalid. Use double signup and remove invalid addresses to only address valid addresses on your mailing list. A soft bounce means temporary issues like a full inbox or recipient server maintenance.

Subscription cancellation rate. It shows how many users have clicked the unsubscribe link to unsubscribe from your email campaigns. The average unsubscribe rate is around 0.05%, so when it rises above that level, check email frequency, content quality, or make your emails a little more personalized.

Conversion rate. This means the number of subscribers who turned into customers. However, any action may count as a conversion, for example, a registration after clicking on the partner link in your email newsletter.

You can analyze all of these metrics when sending email campaigns in SendPulse, except for the conversion rate, which you have to calculate manually.

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